American Civil War
Colored Troops
Congressional Medal Of Honor Winner

Christian Fleetwood

Sergeant Major, 4th U.S. Colored Troops. Born in Baltimore, Maryland in 1840, Fleetwood entered service in Baltimore on August 11, 1863. He saw action on September 29, 1864 at Chaffin's Farm Fort Harrison, VA.

His citation stated that he "seized the colors, after two color bearers had been shot down, and bore them nobly through the fight." Christian Fleetwood was a 23-year-old clerk when he enlisted in the U.S. Army. He stood 5'4 tall. He was promoted to the rank of Sergeant Major on August 19, 1863.

Fleetwood described the act which won him the Medal of Honor as follows: "Saved the regimental colors after eleven of the twelve color guards had been shot down around it." The rank of Sergeant Major was at the time the highest rank a black soldier could attain in the U.S. Army.

Grand Army of Black Men
A Grand Army of Black Men: Letters from African-American Soldiers in the Union Army 1861-1865
Almost 200,000 African-American soldiers fought for the Union in the Civil War. Although most were illiterate ex-slaves, several thousand were well educated, free black men from the northern states

Bitter Fruits Of Bondage: The Demise Of Slavery And The Collapse Of The Confederacy, 1861-1865
The process of social change initiated during the birth of Confederate nationalism undermined the social and cultural foundations of the southern way of life built on slavery, igniting class conflict that ultimately sapped white southerners of the will to go on.

Pictured wearing his Medal

Colored Troops
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