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Politically Incorrect Guide to the Civil War

The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Civil War
As a graduate history instructor, I found this book to be a refreshing view of history. It's nice to read some critical reasoning that goes against the popular biases by presenting facts that are conveniently over-looked by many others. I highly recommend this book to high school seniors and college undergraduates as an excellent basis to their understanding of the war.

American Civil War
Timeline 1861

Western Theater - click to enlarge map
Civil War Western Theater Battle Map
Easter Theater - click to enlarge map
Civil War Eastern Theater Battle Map

The History Of The Fall Of Fort Sumter: Being An Inside History Of The Affairs In South Carolina And Washington, 1860-61
The Conditions And Events In The South Which Brought On The Rebellion. The Genesis Of The Civil War and the Fall of Fort Sumter

October 16,1859 -- John Brown attacks Harpers Ferry Virginia Armory

Abraham Lincoln is elected sixteenth President of the United States. On receiving the news of Lincoln's election, the South Carolina legislature calls a special state convention to meet at Columbia on December 20. On that date, by unanimous vote, South Carolina secedes from the Union. The first "repeating" rifle in the U.S. is produced by Oliver F. Winchester. The first relay on the Pony Express Mail Service leaves St. Joseph, Missouri, and arrives in Sacramento, California. Joseph Smith restored the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Eighth census: U.S. population - 31,443,321.

November 1860 - Abraham Lincoln is Elected President by the Northern States - Original Work

December 1860 - President James Buchanan - State of the Union Address - Original Work

December 18,1860 -- The Crittenden Compromise

Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas join South Carolina in seceding from the Union. These seven states form a new southern union, setting up a provisional government called the Confederate States of America. Jefferson Davis of Mississippi is elected President of the Confederacy for a six-year term. Confederate forces open fire on U.S. Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina; the fort surrenders on April 14. President Lincoln calls for a 75,000 man militia to suppress the "insurrection," this move provokes four remaining southern states, Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina, to secede and join the Confederacy. The first transcontinental telegraph line is completed, bringing to an end the Pony Express.

January 1861 - The Situation in Charleston Harbor - Original Work

January 1861 -- The South Secedes.
When Abraham Lincoln, a known opponent of slavery, was elected president, the South Carolina legislature perceived a threat. Calling a state convention, the delegates voted to remove the state of South Carolina from the union known as the United States of America. The Secession of South Carolina was followed by the secession of six more states -- Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas -- and the threat of Secession by four more -- Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina. These eleven states eventually formed the Confederate States of America. Ordinances of Secession

January 7 - Speech of Tennessee Governor Isham G. Harris

January 9   Mississippi seceded from the Union.
January 10 Florida seceded from the Union.
January 11 Alabama seceded from the Union. Ordinance of Secession - Speech of E.S. Dargan
January 19 Georgia seceded from the Union.
January 26 Louisiana seceded from the Union. Adopted in convention at Baton Rouge Ordinance of Secession
January 29 Kansas admitted to the Union.

February 1861 - The Confederate Government Is Formed - Original Work

February 1  Texas seceded from the Union.
February 13 The Virginia secession convention assembled in Richmond. Called for by a special session of the General Assembly, the group convened to determine whether Virginia should secede from the Union.

February 1861-- The South Creates a Government.
At a convention in Montgomery, Alabama, the seven seceding states created the Confederate Constitution, a document similar to the United States Constitution, but with greater stress on the autonomy of each state. Jefferson Davis was named provisional president of the Confederacy until elections could be held.

February 1861-- The South Seizes Federal Forts.
When President Buchanan -- Lincoln's predecessor -- refused to surrender southern federal forts to the seceding states, southern state troops seized them. At Fort Sumter, South Carolina troops repulsed a supply ship trying to reach federal forces based in the fort. The ship was forced to return to New York, its supplies undelivered.

March 1861 President Lincoln Inauguration Day - Original Work

March 4 1861-- Lincoln's Inauguration.
At Lincoln's inauguration the new president said he had no plans to end slavery in those states where it already existed, but he also said he would not accept secession. He hoped to resolve the national crisis without warfare.

March 9 - Address of George Williamson to the Texas Secession Convention

March 11 1861-- Confederate Constitution.

April 1861 President Lincoln Dupes The Confederates into Firing on Sumter - Original Work

April 15 1861-- Lincoln calls on States to provide Militia to the Union. Richmond newspapers reported Lincoln's call for 75,000 troops to suppress the Southern uprising.

April 1861 -- Attack on Fort Sumter
When President Lincoln planned to send supplies to Fort Sumter, he alerted the state in advance, in an attempt to avoid hostilities. South Carolina, however, feared a trick. On April 10, 1861, Brig. Gen. Beauregard, in command of the provisional Confederate forces at Charleston, South Carolina, demanded the surrender of the Union garrison of Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor.

The Garrison commander Anderson refused. On April 12, Confederate batteries opened fire on the fort, which was unable to reply effectively. At 2:30 p.m., April 13, Major Anderson surrendered Fort Sumter, evacuating the garrison on the following day.

The bombardment of Fort Sumter was the opening engagement of the American Civil War. Although there were no casualties during the bombardment, one Union artillerist was killed and three wounded (one mortally) when a cannon exploded prematurely when firing a salute during the evacuation.
From 1863 to 1865, the Confederates at Fort Sumter withstood a 22 month siege by Union forces. During this time, most of the fort was reduced to brick rubble. Fort Sumter became a national monument in 1948.

Did Lincoln Instigate the attack on Fort Sumter?

April 17 Virginia seceded from the Union. On April 16th, the delegates met in secrecy, passing the Ordinance of Secession the next day

April 25 Second Message of Isham Harris to the Tennessee Assembly

April 1861-- Four More States Join the Confederacy.
The attack on Fort Sumter prompted four more states to join the Confederacy. With Virginia's secession, Richmond was named the Confederate capitol.

May 1861 Lincoln Begins Building an Army - Original Work

May 6 Arkansas seceded from the Union. Ordinance of Secession

May 18-19, 1861 Sewell's Point

May 20 North Carolina seceded from the Union, Ordinance of Secession
May 23 Virginia citizens ratified the Ordinance of Secession

May 29-June 1, 1861 Aquia Creek

June 1861 General Lee Organizes Virginia�s Defenses -
Original Work

June 1861-- West Virginia Is Born.
Residents of the western counties of Virginia did not wish to secede along with the rest of the state. This section of Virginia was admitted into the Union as the state of West Virginia on June 20, 1863.

June 1861-- Four Slave States Stay in the Union.
Despite their acceptance of slavery, Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri did not join the Confederacy. Although divided in their loyalties, a combination of political maneuvering and Union military pressure kept these states from seceding.

June 3, 1861 Philippi / Philippi Races

June 8  Tennessee- Ordinance of Secession approved by the voters by a vote of 104,471 to 47,183

June 10, 1861 Big Bethel / Bethel Church
June 17, 1861 Boonville

July 1861 The Congress Supports The President - Original Work

July 2, 1861 Hoke's Run / Falling Waters / Hainesville
July 5, 1861 Carthage
July 11, 1861 Rich Mountain
July 18, 1861 Bull Run / Blackburn's Ford
July 21, 1861 First Manassas / First Bull Run

Joe Ryan Battlewalk Bull Run

Youtube Channel JoeRyanCivilWar

July -- First Battle of Bull Run.
Public demand pushed General-in-Chief Winfield Scott to advance on the South before adequately training his untried troops. Scott ordered General Irvin McDowell to advance on Confederate troops stationed at Manassas Junction, Virginia. McDowell attacked on July 21, and was initially successful, but the introduction of Confederate reinforcements resulted in a Southern victory and a chaotic retreat toward Washington by federal troops.

July 1861-- General McDowell Is Replaced.
Suddenly aware of the threat of a protracted war and the army's need for organization and training, Lincoln replaced McDowell with General George B. McClellan.

July - November -- A Blockade of the South.
To blockade the coast of the Confederacy effectively, the federal navy had to be improved. By July, the effort at improvement had made a difference and an effective blockade had begun. The South responded by building small, fast ships that could outmaneuver Union vessels. On November 7, 1861, Captain Samuel F. Dupont's warships silenced Confederate guns in Fort Walker and Fort Beauregard. This victory enabled General Thomas W. Sherman's troops to occupy first Port Royal and then all the famous Sea Islands of South Carolina.

August 1861 Lincoln and Davis Choose Their Generals - Original Work

August 10, 1861 Wilson's Creek / Oak Hills

August 21 -- Confederate Assignments
Brig General Roswell S. Ripley CS Army Assigned to command of the Dept. South Carolina
Brig General John B. Grayson CS Army assigned to command of Dept of Middle and East Florida

August 26, 1861 Kessler's Cross Lanes
August 28-29, 1861 Hatteras Inlet Batteries / Fort Clark / Fort Hatteras

September 1861 Both Sides Give a Little, The Situation in Kentucky -
Original Work

September 2, 1861 Dry Wood Creek / Battle of the Mules
September 10, 1861 Carnifex Ferry
September 12-15 1861 Cheat Mountain Summit
September 13-20, 1861 Lexington / Battle of the Hemp Bales
September 17, 1861 Liberty / Blue Mills Landing
September 19, 1861 Barbourville

October 1861
McClellan Pushes Scott Out the Door - Original Work

October 3, 1861 Greenbrier River / Camp Bartow
October 9, 1861 Santa Rosa Island
October 21, 1861 Camp Wildcat / Wildcat Mountain
October 21, 1861 Fredericktown
October 21, 1861 Ball's Bluff / Leesburg
October 25, 1861 Springfield / Zagonyi's Charge

October 29 -- Sherman Moves
The Sherman Expedition sails from Hampton Roads Virginia

October 31  Missouri- Ordinance of Secession approved by the Missouri Legislature

November 1861 Lincoln Dances With The World Powers - Original Work

November 7, 1861 Belmont
November 8-9, 1861 Ivy Mountain / Ivy Creek / Ivy Narrows
November 19, 1861 Round Mountain

November 20  Kentucky- Convention of the People of Kentucky ratifies Ordinance of Secession

December 1861 Lincoln and McClellan Begin Their Struggle - Original Work

December 9, 1861 Chusto-Talasah / Caving Banks
December 13, 1861 Camp Allegheny / Allegheny Mountain
December 20, 1861 Dranesville
December 26, 1861 Chustenahlah
December 17, 1861 Rowlett's Station / Woodsonville / Green River
December 28, 1861 Mount Zion Church

Battle at Bull Run: A History of the First Major Campaign of the Civil War
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Civil War:
A Concise History

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Lees Cavalry
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Six Years of Hell
Harpers Ferry During the Civil War

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The Official Virginia
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Civil War Replica Musket
Civil War Musket
Wood & Steel Frontier Rifle Designed After The Original Rifle,
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1862 Timeline
Civil War Timeline
American Civil War Exhibits
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Confederate Johnny Cakes Recipe
Civil War Revolver Pistol
Civil War Model 1851 Naval Pistol
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American Civil War Book Titles

Encyclopedia of the American Civil War: A Political, Social, and Military History
Definitive Reference Work, this volume, rich with over 500 illustrations, 75 maps, and 250 primary source documents, offers more than 1,600 entries that chart the war's strategic aims, analyze diplomatic and political maneuvering, describe key military actions, sketch important participants, assess developments in military science, and discuss the social and financial impact of the conflict.

Charles W. Quantrell
A True History Of His Guerilla Warfare On The Missouri And Kansas Border During The Civil War Of 1861-1865

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Secret Six: The True Tale of the Men Who Conspired with John Brown
The story of how Brown was covertly aided by a circle of prosperous and privileged Northeasterners who supplied him with money and weapons, and, before the raid, even hid him in their homes while authorities sought Brown on a murder charge. These men called themselves the Secret Six.

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The Battles for Chattanooga

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Kindle Available
Shiloh Western Campaign

Shiloh and the Western Campaign of 1862
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Shiloh: A Novel by Shelby Foote
One of the best novels of the American Civil War. Foote is able to capture not only the sense of the battle, but the spirit of the soldiers who fought there. A study of the human condition and how it deals with the horrors of war
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Rose O'Neale Greenhow Civil War Spy

Rose O'Neale Greenhow, Civil War Spy
Fearless spy for the Confederacy, glittering Washington hostess, legendary beauty and lover, Rose Greenhow risked everything for the cause she valued more than life itself
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Perryville: This Grand Havoc of Battle
On October 8, 1862, Union and Confederate forces clashed near Perryville, Kentucky, in what would be the largest battle ever fought on Kentucky soil.

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