Kindle Available![]() Personal Memoirs of P.H. Sheridan General United States Army Philip H. Sheridan earned the enmity of many Virginians for laying waste to the Shenandoah Valley. His date and place of birth is uncertain, but he himself claimed to have been born in New York in 1831 |
Saylor's Creek
Kindle Available![]() Little Phil: The Story of General Philip Henry Sheridan The author makes no pretense of presenting a scholarly recitation of the historic military maneuvers and tactics that surrounded the man's career. His purpose is to present the story of the man, using his own words and the words of his contemporaries so that we might see what he saw, hear what he heard, and feel what he felt. |
Kindle Available![]() Standard Catalog of Civil War Firearms Over 700 photographs and a rarity scale for each gun, this comprehensive guide to the thousands of weapons used by Billy Yank and Johnny Reb will be indispensable for historians and collectors. |
![]() Civil War Map: Appomattox Court House 36 in. x 48 in Buy at Framed |
![]() Grant's Secret Service: The Intelligence War from Belmont to Appomattox The first scholarly examination of the use of military intelligence under Ulysses S. Grant's command during the Civil War. Feis makes the new and provocative argument that Grant's use of the Army of the Potomac's Bureau of Military Information played a significant role in Lee's defeat |
![]() Civil War Soldier 102 Piece Playset
Virginia State Battle Map 1865 State Battle Maps Civil War Submarines Appomattox Courthouse Civil War Picture Album President Abraham Lincoln Confederate Commanders Union Generals Battle of Gettysburg American Civil War Exhibits Civil War Summary Documents of the Civil War |
![]() Civil War Musket Wood & Steel Frontier Rifle Designed After The Original Rifle ![]() Sid Meier's Civil War Collection Take command of either Confederate or Union troops and command them to attack |
Kindle Available![]() One Continuous Fight: The Retreat from Gettysburg and the Pursuit of Lee's Army of Northern Virginia The first detailed military history of Lee's retreat and the Union effort to catch and destroy the wounded Army of Northern Virginia Complimented with 18 original maps, dozens of photos, and a complete driving tour with GPS coordinates of the entire retreat |
Kindle Available![]() Personal Memoirs of P.H. Sheridan, General United States Army Philip H. Sheridan earned the enmity of many Virginians for laying waste to the Shenandoah Valley. His date and place of birth is uncertain, but he himself claimed to have been born in New York in 1831 |
![]() The Official Virgini Civil War Battlefield Guide Virginia was host to nearly 1/3rd of all Civil War engagements. This guide covers them all like a mini-history of the war. This guide organizes battles chronologically. Each campaign has a detailed overview, followed by concise descriptions of the individual engagements |
![]() The Cavalry at Appomattox A Tactical Study of Mounted Operations During the Civil War's Climactic Campaign, March 27-April 9, 1865 |
Kindle Available![]() The Glory Cloak: A Novel of Louisa May Alcott and Clara Barton From childhood, Susan Gray and her cousin Louisa May Alcott have shared a safe, insular world of outdoor adventures and grand amateur theater -- a world that begins to evaporate with the outbreak of the Civil War. Frustrated with sewing uniforms and wrapping bandages, the two women journey to Washington, D.C.'s Union Hospital to volunteer as nurses. |
Kindle Available![]() The Civil War for Kids History explodes in this activity guide spanning the turmoil preceding secession, the first shots fired at Fort Sumter, the fierce battles on land and sea, and finally the Confederate surrender at Appomattox. Making butternut dye for a Rebel uniform, learning drills and signals with flags, decoding wigwag, baking hardtack, reenacting battles, and making a medicine kit bring this pivotal period in our nation's history to life. |
Kindle Available![]() The Civil War Introduces young readers to the harrowing true story of the American Civil War and its immediate aftermath. A surprisingly detailed battle-by-battle account of America's deadliest conflict ensues, culminating in the restoration of the Union followed by the tragic assassination of President Lincoln |
Kindle Available![]() The Maxims Of Robert E. Lee For Young Gentlemen: Advice, Admonitions, and Anecdotes on Christian Duty and Wisdom from the Life of General Lee All his life, Robert E. Lee relied upon his faith for strength and guidance not only in troubled times, but also as the foundation upon which he based all of his dealings with others. |
Battle of Shiloh Civil War Map First Manassas Civil War Pictures Civil War Cooking Gettysburg Civil War Ships |