What happened in the Civil War © |
November 1860 |
Abraham Lincoln is Elected by the Northern States |
December 1860 |
President James Buchanan - State of the Union Address |
January 1861 |
The Situation in Charleston Harbor |
February 1861 |
The Confederate Government Is Formed |
March 1861 |
President Lincoln's Inauguration Day |
April 1861 |
Lincoln Dupes the Confederates to fire on Sumter |
May 1861 |
Lincoln builds an army and invades Virginia |
June 1861 |
Virginia Defends Herself |
July 1861 |
Lincoln Forces a Battle |
August 1861 |
Lincoln and Davis Choose Their Generals |
September 1861 |
Both sides give a little |
October 1861 |
McClellan Pushes Scott Out the Door |
November 1861 |
Lincoln Dances With The Great Powers |
December 1861 |
Lincoln and McClellan Begin Their Struggle |
January 1862 |
McClellan Confounds the Politicians |
February 1862 |
Grant Breaks the Kentucky Line |
March 1862 |
Congress Plans Freedom for the Slaves |
April 1862 |
The Origin And Object Of The War |
May 1862 |
Charles Sumner wins the argument |
June 1862 |
The Senate Sticks To The Constitution |
July 1862 |
Congress's War Policy Changes |
New Jersey
Sesquicentennial Committee |
Biography of John McGowan |
Fort Sumter January 9, 1861 |
James W. Lowen |
Five Civil War Myths |
Current Events |
The NAACP and the Sesquicentennial |
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