Mobile Bay
Navy Battle Map
Civil War Alabama

American Civil War
August 5, 1864

"Entrance of Rear Admiral Farragut in to Mobile Bay. August 5th 1864"

Chart of the action, prepared by Rear Admiral D.G. Farragut, Washington, D.C., March 1st, 1865.

"Explanation of Diagram from the five stand points of the Mobile fight." (printed in the lower left):

"No.1. Ships lashed together and running in from Sea, and the monitors running out of "Monitor Bay" to take their station inside or eastward of the line."

"No.2. Running up the channel in line of battle, and engaging 'Fort Morgan' leading ship 'Brooklyn' encounters what she supposes to be 'torpedoes' monitor 'Tecumseh' is struck by one and sinks; Brooklyn backs astern causing confusion; Flag Ship takes the lead and passes up and engages the ram Tennessee and the gun boats of the enemy."

"No.3. Running fight with the enemy's fleet which ends in the capture of one, destruction of another, and the ram and one gun boat take shelter again under Fort Morgan."

"No.4. Fleet passes up and are in the act of anchoring when the ram Tennessee is seen coming out to attack them"

"No.5. Shows the manner the attack was made by the fleet upon the ram by ramming her in succession and keeping up a constant fire upon her at the same time."

"The points of contact are shown by the sketch in the north east corner of the plate."
"De Kraft's flotilla bombarding Fort Powell." (in upper left of the chart).
Ships are (as numbered in "Reference" list at left):
1. Tecumseh ; 2. Manhattan ; 3. Winnebago ; 4. Chickasaw ; 5. Brooklyn ; 6. Octorara ; 7. Hartford , Flag Ship; 8. Metacomet ; 9. Richmond ; 10. Port Royal ; 11. Lackawanna ; 12. Seminole ; 13. Admiral's barge Loyal ; 14. Monongahela ; 15. Kennebec ; 16. Ossipee ; 17. Itaska ; 18. Oneida ; 19. Galena .

Ironclads and Big Guns of the Confederacy : The Journal and Letters of John M. Brooke
Information about the Confederate Navy's effort to supply its fledgling forces, the wartime diaries and letters of John M. Brooke tell the neglected story of the Confederate naval ordnance office, its innovations, and its strategic vision.

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Civil War Curiosities: Strange Stories, Oddities, Events, and Coincidences
This work was fascinating to read and was neither over dramatic or under written. The stories were lively and interesting and the additon of old photos and draqwings helped fill out the book.
Uss Galena Ironclad
Uss Galena Ironclad
24 in. x 18 in.
Buy at
Framed   Mounted

USS Brooklyn inside Mobile Bay after the action

"from a sketch made at the time", showing some of her battle damage.
USS Galena is in the left background, and USS Itaska is at right.
19th Century reproduction of a pen and ink drawing by Xanthus Smith.

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Reign of Iron

Reign of Iron: The Story of the First Battling Ironclads, the Monitor and the Merrimack
The first ironclad ships to fight each other, the Monitor and the Virginia (Merrimack), were the unique products of American design genius

Battle at Mobile Bay
Alabama State Battle Map
State Battle Maps
Ships and Naval Battles
American Civil War Exhibits
Women in the War
Campaigns of the Civil War
Civil War Picture Album
Civil War Submarines
American Civil War Naval Book Titles
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Confederate Ironclad vs Union Ironclad: Hampton Roads 1862
The Ironclad was a revolutionary weapon of war. Although iron was used for protection in the Far East during the 16th century, it was the 19th century and the American Civil War that heralded the first modern armored self-propelled warships.
Release date Nov. 2008

Year on a Monitor and the Destruction of Fort Sumter
Personal view of the Civil War Navy. The monitor saw action in several significant naval assaults by the Union's Squadron. It took part in the failed Federal attack on Sumter in April 1863. The "Nahant" also participated in the capture of the Confederate Ram "Atlanta," and in the assault on Fort Wagner

Blockaders, Refugees, and Contrabands: Civil War on Florida'S Gulf Coast, 1861-1865
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War, Technology, and Experience aboard the USS Monitor
The experience of the men aboard the Monitor and their reactions to the thrills and dangers that accompanied the new machine. The invention surrounded men with iron and threatened their heroism, their self-image as warriors, even their lives
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Raising the Hunley

Raising the Hunley: The Remarkable History and Recovery of the Lost Confederate Submarine
For more than a century the fate of the Hunley remained one of the great unsolved mysteries of the Civil War. Then, on August 8, 2000, with thousands of spectators crowding Charleston Harbor, the Hunley was raised from the bottom of the sea and towed ashore.
The Story of the CSS Hunley
The Story of the H.L. Hunley
During the Civil War, Union forces blockade the port of Charleston so the Confederate army seeks a way to attrack the Yankee Ships. George Dixon is part of the group of men given the task of creating and building the "fish boat," a submarine. The H.L. Hunley ultimately sets out on its mission to sink Yankee ships, but fails to return, its whereabouts unknown.

Ironclad Down: USS Merrimack-CSS Virginia from Design to Destruction
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American Civil War Fortifications
Coastal Brick and Stone Forts

The design, construction and operational history of fortifications, such as Fort Sumter, Fort Morgan and Fort Pulaski. Stone and brick forts stretched from New England to the Florida Keys, and as far as the Mississippi River. A handful of key sites remained in Union hands throughout the war, the remainder had to be won back through bombardment or assault.

U.S. National Park Service
U.S. Library of Congress
U.S. Naval Archives

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